Coaching Services for Autism

Are you autistic?

While not officially diagnosed, I strongly suspect that I am too. It runs in my family and many of my closest personal connections are on the spectrum so I’m passionate about supporting us to build fantastic careers.

If you’re someone on the spectrum, you might have noticed a few recurring themes in your career and business. You might feel like an alien, someone who doesn’t fit in. You might struggle to handle some of the ridiculous office politics and obscure conversations with hidden meanings. You might be trying to mask constantly to appear neurotypical. It’s all a bit exhausting.

It doesn’t help that we’re often given advice built for neurotypical people. Being repeatedly told to make eye contact to be authoritative can be super uncomfortable and having to go to loud and busy networking events may make you want to bolt.

Often these mentors have the best intentions but they’re missing one thing; they’re not us. They haven’t lived our life and so don’t understand the unique experience of walking in an autistic’s shoes. This is where coaching comes in.

My role as a coach is not to tell you what to do. Instead we go on the journey together. You are the expert in you and together we can try things out, explore new perspectives and find solutions that work for you and your unique brain.

Want to explore more? Get in touch.

Our blog contains multiple posts that may be of interest for Autism.

Alternatively, check out our YouTube for more neurodivergent content.

Autistic Leadership Coaching Case Study

My client suspects he has autism, possibly Tourette’s as well although he’s never pursued a diagnosis for either. Either way, he’s conscious that there’s something about his brain that works differently to others. Many times in our sessions he expressed concern that he didn’t understand why the things he found easy at work others found so hard.

For him personally, the possibility of leadership was what sounded hard. It had been mentioned to him before - his boss was likely to move on in the near future and in their eyes he seemed like a good candidate for succession. From their point of view he just had a few things to work on. From his point of view it was impossible.

We worked together over twelve weeks, exploring this uncertainty. We looked at strategies, techniques that he could use to build his leadership skills as well as finding evidence of the skills he already had. We looked at what his strengths were and how to manage the things he felt less certain about. A big thing for him was looking at whether this position was something he actually wanted, or whether a different path was right for him. 

In the end he was offered it and they’d even reworked the position to suit him a little more. He felt confident that he could accept because he now felt like he had the skills to excel at the role. I was the first person he told about it. 

Coaching Services for Autism

All of our coaching programs are built with autism in mind and personally tailored to the individual. Disclosure of your diagnosis or suspected autism is not required. The programs we offer are:

Power Coaching Sessions: One hour targeted sessions to address specific coaching topics.

Leadership Boost Program: Six session coaching package focusing on career and leadership growth.

Career Boost Program: Six session coaching package focusing on career growth.

Long Term Coaching: Flexible long term coaching to be tailored to the individual.

We also offer custom packages on request.

This image showcases silohuettes facing a large window looking out over the city.

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