Coaching Services for Tourette’s Syndrome

Do you have Tourette’s Syndrome?

Leigh has some limited experience coaching individuals with Tourette’s Syndrome and invests continually in her learning on this form of neurodivergence.

Many people with Tourette’s Syndrome have often experienced negative behaviour towards them and judgement surrounding their tics. This can have an impact on your self-image and willingness to put yourself forward in your career and/or business.

Often advice we receive is completely agnostic to our neurodivergence and particularly as someone with Tourette’s it can be difficult to implement advice that doesn’t recognise your unique challenges.

Often these mentors have the best intentions but they’re missing one thing; they’re not us. They haven’t lived our life and so don’t understand the unique struggles that come with Tourette’s Syndrome. This is where coaching comes in.

My role as a coach is not to tell you what to do. Instead we go on the journey together. You are the expert in you and together we can try things out, explore new perspectives and find solutions that work for you and your unique brain.

Want to explore more? Get in touch.

Our blog contains multiple posts that may be of interest.

Alternatively, check out our YouTube for more neurodivergent content.

Coaching Services for Tourette’s Syndrome

All of our coaching programs are built with an understanding of neurodivergence in mind and personally tailored to the individual. Leigh is not an expert in Tourette’s Syndrome but takes utmost care to ensure her coaching is open and accepting and is always willing to learn more about Tourette’s.

Disclosure of your diagnosis is not required. The programs we offer are:

Power Coaching Sessions: One hour targeted sessions to address specific coaching topics.

Leadership Boost Program: Six session coaching package focusing on career and leadership growth.

Career Boost Program: Six session coaching package focusing on career growth.

Long Term Coaching: Flexible long term coaching to be tailored to the individual.

We also offer custom packages on request.

This image showcases silohuettes facing a large window looking out over the city.

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