Coaching Services for ADHD

One of the ways Leigh's ADHD is shown is the multiple instruments she plays. This picture is of Leigh playing the cello.
One of the ways Leigh's ADHD is shown is the multiple instruments she plays. This picture is of Leigh sitting in front of a grand piano in a room with a beautiful gold background.
One of the ways Leigh's ADHD is shown is the multiple instruments she plays. This picture is of Leigh playing the guitar.  She is wearing ripped jeans and a leather jacket and crouching down with the guitar. The guitar is a yellow PRS guitar.

Do you have ADHD?

If the multiple music hobbies didn’t give it away then, yeah me too.

If you’re someone with ADHD, or suspect you might have it, you might have noticed a few recurring themes in your career or business. Negative feedback is really hard and hits us super personally. We suffer from rejection sensitivity so a sales call that doesn’t convert can be extra painful. We regularly feel like we’re not doing enough but get burnt out when trying to juggle it all. If any of this resonates. I can relate.

It doesn’t help that we’re often given advice built for neurotypical people. “Eating the frog” and starting with the hardest task first means that often none of the tasks get done and “just go to bed earlier” is a recipe for staring up at the ceiling for hours on end.

Often these mentors have the best intentions but they’re missing one thing; they’re not us. They haven’t lived our life and so don’t understand the unique experience of walking in an ADHD-er’s shoes. This is where coaching comes in.

My role as a coach is not to tell you what to do. Instead we go on the journey together. You are the expert in you and together we can try things out, explore new perspectives and find solutions that work for you and your unique brain.

Want to explore more? Get in touch.

Our blog contains multiple posts that may be of interest for ADHD.

Alternatively, check out our YouTube for more ADHD related content.

ADHD Leadership Coaching Case Study

At the start of working with one of my clients he told me that he had suddenly found himself in a position of leadership but had no idea how he'd got there or how to actually be the great leader that he wanted to be. Being told to "flex his leadership muscles" left him with a pit in his stomach.

So we had to start by defining what leadership was, and what a good leader meant to him and then could look at his strengths.

He took an assessment and his natural inclination was to go straight to the "less good" section to discover his weaknesses and realised these were his strengths being overplayed, and that by bringing these back into the strength zone, he could get them working for him again instead of against him. 

As he's grown more confident in his strengths, he's used them to step outside of his comfort zone again and again. He's given presentations on ADHD to raise the profile of neurodivergence at his workplace and has been approached with requests to mentor people as a result. He's restructured how he works to get the best out of his brain and recognised what systems allow him to perform at his best. 

On top of this, he blew his boss away with the pitch he gave on the future of his role, a pitch he produced by liaising with relevant people from across the organisation (huge for someone who considers networking one of his weaknesses) and this pitch has laid the groundwork of what looks to be a huge step forward in his role in the future.

And all of this in just over three months!! 

Coaching Services for ADHD

All of our coaching programs are built with ADHD in mind and personally tailored to the individual. Disclosure of your diagnosis or suspected ADHD is not required. The programs we offer are:

Power Coaching Sessions: One hour targeted sessions to address specific coaching topics.

Career Boost Program: Six session coaching package focusing on career growth.

Leadership Boost Program: Six session coaching package focusing on leadership growth.

Long Term Coaching: Flexible long term coaching to be tailored to the individual.

We also offer custom packages on request.

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